
Healthy Living - Oakstone

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  • five food groups
    fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, dairy
  • screen time effects on SOCIAL EMOTIONAL health
    harder to read emotions, social skills decrease, less time with friends
  • screen time effects on MENTAL health
    harder to learn/think, language skills decrease
  • what food group is cheese in?
  • things to avoid before bed
    exercise, sugar, caffeine, screens
  • what food group is a carrot in?
  • screen time effects on PHYSICAL health
    obesity, eye strain, lack of sleep
  • social emotional health
    health about your feelings and other people
  • turn off electronics _____ minutes before bedtime
  • what food group is chicken in?
  • what food group is an apple in?
  • nutrition
    what you eat
  • risks of screen time
    seeing inappropriate things, talking to strangers
  • mental health
    health about your brain
  • hours of sleep teenagers need every night
  • what food group is cereal in?
  • number of hours you should be on screens per day
    2 or less
  • physical health
    health about your body
  • three types of health
    physical, mental, social-emotional
  • hygiene
    keeping all parts of your body clean and healthy
  • building blocks of healthy living
    nutrition, sleep, exercise, hygiene