
Dreams B1/B2

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  • Who said ´to sleep perchance to dream¨ Newton, Hamlet, Nikola Tesla?
    Hamlet during his soliloquy/monologue To Be or Not To Be from Shakespeare's Hamlet
  • At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. Who am I?
  • What does it mean to dream?
    to have visions and thoughts in your sleep : to have a dream while you are sleeping
  • ´What does never/not dream of? What would you never dream of doing?
    — used to say that you would never do something or think of doing something I would never dream of asking for more money. I would never dream of....
  • What does wildest dreams mean? What have you ever experienced that was beyond your wildest dreams?
    All the things that one has ever imagined or hoped. Always used in a phrase such as "in (one's) wildest dreams" or "never in (one's) wildest dreams.
  • What does a chase a dream mean? Have you ever chased a dream?
    Story telling grammar past simple, continuous,
  • What is a dream start?
    When everything goes well at the beginning
  • Describe your dream job
    Relative pronouns, adverbs of frequency, would
  • Describe your dream house
    comparatives, superlatives, conditionals, relative pronouns would
  • Who said he had a dream? Can you change what he said into direct speech?
    Martin Luther King Jr
  • Can you complete the phrasal verb: dream __ (something) also dream (something) _ : to think of or invent (something) in your mind
    dream up (something) also dream (something) up : to think of or invent (something) in your mind
  • What does ´dream on´ mean?
    used to say that you do not think something that another person wants or expects will ever happen “I think my band will be famous one day.” “Dream on.
  • What does it mean to dream (of)? What is your dream?
    To (have a) dream (of) means to hope/wish that something happens in the future.
  • Do you agree with Freuds theory that we are everyone in our dreams?
    Did the student give a reason?
  • Can you remember your best ever dream? Tell us about it
    did student use story telling language i.e.. past continuous, past simple, when, while etc.
  • What does lucid dream mean? Have you ever had one?
    A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream.
  • Tell us about this acronym? What do you think it means? D.R.E.A.M D - Dedication/Desire R - Responsibilty E - Education A - Atitude M - Motivation
    comparatives, superlatives, conditionals, relative pronouns, adverbs of frequency,
  • Describe your dream party
    Control of language, would conditionals ,adverbs of manner and frequency, relative pronouns, comparatives, superlatives
  • What is a nightmare? What is the adjective of nightmare?
    a dream that frightens a sleeping person : a very bad dream Mommy, I had a really scary nightmare. Nightmarish
  • What does dream about (someone or something) mean?
    1. To fantasize about someone or something, especially doing something as one's goal or ambition. 2. To see someone or something in one's sleep.
  • What is a dream team?
    a group of people who work or play a sport together and who are the best at what they do — usually singular She got a legal dream team to work on the case.
  • Describe your dream holiday
    Relative pronouns, adverbs of frequency, would comparative superlative
  • When he was a little boy, Justin dreamed of a. sleeping a lot b. many nightmares c. being a football star
    being a football star
  • What does it mean to be living the dream?
    living the dream Leading an extremely ideal life, especially in relation to one's career. (Sometimes said ironically to mean the opposite.)
  • What is a pipe dream?
    A dream or idea that is impossible to accomplish. Many say that achieving world peace is a pipe dream because human beings are so flawed.
  • Who said "All our dreams can come true if we choose to pursue them." a Walt Disney b JK Rowling c Tom Cruise Can you make that statement into reported speech?
    Walt Disney said that all our dreams could come true if we chose to pursue them
  • Why is dreaming important?
    Dreaming at night is important because it helps restore your brain
  • What does ´go or work like a dream mean?´
    to move, develop, or work very well
  • What does it mean to dream big but start small?
    Achieve a large goal by meeting small goals first. Language of deduction may, might, could etc.
  • Who said "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" A. Steve jobs B Eleanor Roosevelt C John F Kennedy
    Eleanor Roosevelt