
Revision 2nESO

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  • He will be ill,
    if he .... (with S!)
  • I ... (eat) 3 pizzas this week.
    have eaten
  • I ... (not buy) a car ...
    haven't bought -- yet
  • What is the difference between For and Since?
    For is for periods of time and Since for moments in time
  • ... Morris ... (finish) his studies ... ?
    Has Morris finished his studies yet?
  • Name 5 air modes of transport
    Plane, Jet, Helicopter, Zeppelin and Hot Air Ballon
  • Make a sentence with just and one with yet.
    (open answer)
  • Name 5 bucket list activities as fast as possible, no repeats!
    (open answer)
  • When do we use the Present Perfect?
    For a recent past or when the time hasn't finished yet.
  • Name 10 modes of transport as fast as possible, no repeats!
    (open answer)
  • Name the first three actions of the day
    (open answer)
  • If I ... (go) out tonight, I ... (go) to the cinema.
    go -- will go
  • She ... (live) in Paris ... January.
    has lived -- since
  • What is the name of this activity?
    Bungee Jumping
  • I ... ... ... (book) two tickets for Italy. I booked them a few months ago.
    have just booked
  • If the weather ... (not / improve), we ... (not / have) a picnic.
    doesn't improve -- won't have
  • Name 10 daily activities as fast as possible, no repeats!
    (open answer)
  • Brian / play / football
    Brian has played football
  • We ... (be) late if we ... (not / hurry).
    will be -- don't hurry
  • When do we use the First Conditional?
    When something usually happens, but not always.