
AP1_End of course

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  • What does the word "Koala" mean?
    The word Koala means, no drink.
  • Do wombats live in trees?
    No they don't. They live in burrows.
  • Can emus fly?
    No, they can’t.
  • When are koalas most active?
    Koalas are most active at night.
  • Where do Emus live?
    They live in Australia.
  • Are female platypuses poisonous?
    No they aren't. Only male platypuses are poisonous.
  • What do emus feed on?
    They feed on grass, fruit, flowers and insects.
  • How long does a wombat joey stay in the pouch?
    They stay in the pouch for six years.
  • How long can a kiwi live?
    Kiwis can live for 30 years.
  • What kind of animals are kangaroos?
    They are mammals and marsupials.
  • Why are platypuses special?
    Because they are mammals but they lay eggs.
  • Are Kiwis mammals?
    No, they aren't. They are birds.
  • How many toes has an Emu got?
    The have three toes on each foot.
  • Do orangutans live in groups?
    No they don't. They like to live alone.
  • How big is a joey when it's born?
    They are smaller than a baked bean.
  • What do they feed on?
    They feed on grass, leaves and seeds.
  • What do orangutans feed on?
    Orangutans feed on fruit, leaves, bark and insects.
  • What is an Emu’s body covered in?
    It’s covered in feathers.
  • Can kangaroos swim?
    Yes, they can swim.
  • When do kiwis sleep?
    They sleep during the day.
  • What's their body covered in?
    Their body is covered in water proof fur.