
Factors of Production and Markets

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  • True or False: Supply is the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase.
  • What is the difference between own and borrowed money?
    Own money is capital an owner invests into a business from his own sources. Borrowed money is capital that is obtained from external sources.
  • True or False: The goods and service market is also sometimes referred to as the product market.
  • What is the remuneration for labour?
    salaries and wages
  • What is a blue-collar worker?
    A person who does physical work, usually works in a manufacturing organisation.
  • Explain the interaction between households and businesses on the Factor Market
    Households sell their factors of production to businesses in exchange for remuneration.
  • Explain the interaction between Households and Businesses on the Goods and Services Market.
    Business sell goods and services to Households in exchange for money.
  • True or False: A person who is well-educated and has a diploma or degree in a certain skill is seen as semi-skilled labour.
  • What is unskilled labour?
    A worker with very little, if any, education training.
  • What remuneration do shareholders get for providing capital?
  • What do we call the act that states what workers' rights are?
    The Basic Conditions of Employment act.
  • What is a market?
    Any form of communication between buyers and sellers to negotiate the sale of a good or service.
  • What remuneration does the owner get for providing capital?
  • What remuneration does a bank get for providing start-up capital?
  • Which factor of production bring all the other factors together?
  • True or False: The following are characteristics of a good Entrepreneur- confident, hardworking, enjoy challenges, determined, enjoy taking risks and creative.
  • What is revenue?
  • A worker employed with the assumption that they will be staying with the business for a long period of time is named a ... a) White-collar worker b) Permanent worker c) Skilled laabour
    Permanent worker
  • Why is it risky to invest borrowed money rather than use your own money in your business?
    Borrowed money must be paid back to the investor.
  • Name two inputs in the production process of fried chicken
    Answers will vary
  • What are the 4 Factors of Production?
    Capital, Entrepreneurship, Land (Natural Resources), Labour
  • A worker employed for a certain period of time is known as a ... a) permanent worker b) temporary worker
    temporary worker