
Bologna and ELA quiz

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  • ELA organises courses in 3 locations. Which ones?
    Bologna, Palermo, Tenerife
  • In which year ELA was founded?
  • What is the name of the church situated in the main square?
    San Petronio
  • We have 10 different courses about new technologies
    Noo.. just 5 :)
  • The university of Bologna is the most ancient in the world
  • Our Headquarter is in Tenerife
    No, it's Bologna!
  • Bologna hosts 500.000 inhabitants
    False! We are around 388.000 inhabitants
  • Which is the name of the biggest park in Bologna?
    Giardini Margherita
  • How many trainers are part of ELA?
  • There are 32 courses in ELA catalougue