
a few / a little

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  • Hay plátanos? Sí.
    Are there any bananas? Yes, there are.
  • Hay unas pocas hamburgesas.
    There are a few burgers / hamburgers.
  • Hay poco pan.
    There is a little bread.
  • Hay aceite de oliva? Si
    Is there any olive oil? Yes, there is.
  • No hay ningún cartón de leche.
    There aren't any cartons of milk.
  • Hay poca sal.
    There is a little salt.
  • No hay queso.
    There isn't any cheese.
  • Hay muchos huevos
    There are a lot / lots of eggs
  • Hay pocas patatas.
    There are a few potatoes.
  • Hay poca mermelada.
    There is a little jam.
  • No hay arroz.
    There isn't any rice.
  • Hay salsichas? No.
    Are there any sausages? No, there aren't.
  • Hay algo de harina.
    There is some flour.
  • Hay pocos caramelos.
    There are a few sweets.
  • Hay poca leche.
    There is a little milk.
  • Hay dos rebanadas de pan.
    There are two slices of bread.
  • Hay poco arroz.
    There is a little rice.
  • Hay pan? No.
    Is there any bread? No, there isn't.
  • No hay ningún paquete de mantequilla.
    There aren't any packets of butter.
  • Hay algunas galletas.
    There are some biscuits / cookies.
  • Hay mucho azucar.
    There is a lot / lots of sugar.