
Modals Speaking prompts

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  • We couldn't bring the drums because my car is too small (could have)
    We could have rented a van
  • No puedes entrar en mi casa
    You can't get into my house
  • Deberías de haber comprado dos entradas para el concierto
    You should have bought two tickets for the concert
  • A lot of people came late. What happened?
    they must have overslept
  • No necesitas aprender chino para trabajar aquí
    You needn't learn Chinese to work here
  • We were all very tired (negative)
    You shouldn't have stayed up so late
  • Some people asked for their money back (can't have)
    They can't have enjoyed the festival
  • Eres capaz de diferenciar los colores?
    Are you able to distinguish the colours?
  • Podrías ponerme una coca-cola, por favor?
    Could I have a coke please?
  • Mary no ha venido. Ha debido de quedarse dormida.
    Mary hasn´t come. She must have overslept.
  • No debes fumar en el colegio
    You mustn't smoke at school
  • No tienes que comprar nada para la fiesta
    You don't have to buy anything for the party
  • Puede que se haya sentido sola
    She may have felt lonely
  • No fueron capaces de completar la tarea
    They weren't able to complete the task.
  • People stopped listening and began to talk (might)
    They might have been told to give their opinion
  • I forgot the lyrics of the song...
    You should have written them down