
Human and Physical Features

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  • What word do we use to describe an area with lots of hills and mountains?
  • What does downstream mean?
    With the current - the area below a dam - the same direction the stream flows
  • Why do people have to adapt to their surroundings?
    They sometimes can't live on flat lying area or near water and so they have to make a plan
  • Why do people build tunnels?
    It is sometimes the quickest route and it allows for travel where there are mountains
  • Why do humans build pipelines?
    To carry water, oil or gas for a long way
  • What are Human Activities?
    Things people do like fishing etc.
  • What negative impact do dams have on the environment?
    The river can dry up downstream, flooding can occur as the natural flow has been disturbed, animals can die.
  • How has climate change affected human features and where they are built?
    climate change is causing flooding - houses and factories that are built near the ocean or rivers are thus being destroyed.
  • Explain how a dam is built?
    People build a concrete wall across a river to create a dam. The wall holds the water back affecting the natural flow of the river. The area behind the wall flo
  • What does isolated mean?
    to be far away from others or separated from them
  • Why are roads built?
    To link cities, to allow for goods to be transported etc.
  • What are Human Features?
    Things humans have made like bridges etc?
  • Can human activities have a negative impact on the environment?