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  • Granny, you're always hiring ... for my birthday party! I've already told you a hundred times that I can't bear them and their big red noses!
    Granny, you're always hiring clowns for my birthday party! I've already told you a hundred times that I can't bear them and their big red noses!
  • Do you know that 'elevator' is an American synonym for the British word '...'?
    Do you know that 'elevator' is an American synonym for the British word 'lift'?
  • Entomophobia is a fear of .... People with this specific phobia feel anxious when they think about or see a bug..
    Entomophobia is a fear of insects. People with this specific phobia feel anxious when they think about or see a bug.
  • I had a horrible fear of ... and couldn't even stand on a chair comfortably.
    I had a horrible fear of heights and couldn't even stand on a chair comfortably.
  • Many people who think they have a fear of ... in an airplane are not aerophobic but claustrophobic.
    Many people who think they have a fear of flying in an airplane are not aerophobic but claustrophobic.
  • Are you afraid of the ...? If you are, do you sleep with your night light on or not?
    Are you afraid of the dark? If you are, do you sleep with your night light on or not?