
Forces and Energy

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  • _______________ energy sources will one day run out. They also pollute the air.
  • What are the two types of energy sources?
    Non-renewable and renewable energy sources
  • Are these using renewable energy sources or non-renewable sources?
    Non- renewable energy sources
  • ___________ is a force that pulls objects towards the Earth.
  • What force is being used to move the shopping cart?
    human force
  • What type of force is this?
    Magnetic Force
  • True or False: These are magnetic objects.
  • True or false, there is no gravity on Earth.
    FALSE, there is gravity on Earth
  • True or False: Petroleum and coal are renewable energy sources.
    False, they are NON-renewable energy sources
  • Is he pushing or pulling the girl on the swing?
    He is PUSHING the girl on the swing.
  • Which force is moving this kite?
  • Are these using renewable energy sources or non-renewable sources?
    Renewable energy sources
  • ________________ energy sources do not run out. The do no pollute the air.
  • Sunlight, water and wind are _________________ energy sources.
  • True or False: These are magnetic objects.
    False, these are NON-magnetic
  • Is she pushing or pulling the cart?
    She is PULLING the cart
  • The boy kicks the ball. Does the ball stop or does it move?
    the ball moves
  • The goalkeeper catches the ball. Does the ball stop or does it move?
    the ball stops
  • Some objects use the force of wind, _______ , or a motor to move.