
Complete FfS p.98

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  • I'm very sorry if I've GIVEN / CREATED / MADE / CAUSED you any problems.
    to CAUSE problems
  • Scientists have been MAKING / DOING / TAKING / LOOKING INTO. research to discover the cause of the disease.
  • Remember, your behaviour will HAVE / CAUSE / MAKE / CREATE an effect on other people.
    to HAVE an effect ON sb
  • In the army, you have to be obedient and FOLLOW / GIVE / CARRY OUT / DO instructions immediately.
    to FOLLOW orders
  • I decided to STAY / SPEND / PASS the afternoon in the park.
    to SPEND the afternoon
  • I really enjoy late-night films on TV when I can REMAIN / STAY / GET / BE awake.
    to STAY awake
  • Igor felt very tired because he had PUT / DEVOTED / GIVEN / SPENT a lot of time and energy to the project.
    SPENT (time)
  • Colin played a game on his phone to PASS / SPEND / OCCUPY / TAKE UP time while he was waiting for the train.
    to PASS (the) time
  • How did you PASS / DO / SPEND / LIKE the weekend? Did you enjoy yourself?
    to SPEND the weekend
  • A dog ran onto the road and would have MADE / CAUSED / HAD / RESULTED an accident if the driver hadn't reacted quickly.
    to CAUSE an accident
  • The project is quite easy so you won't need to HAVE / SPEND / PASS / DEVOTE very much time to doing it.
    DEVOTE ....TO
  • Your choice of subjects at university will HAVE / MAKE / CAUSE / CREATE a big impact on your future career.
    to HAVE a big impact on sb/ sth
  • My mum said she'd stop my pocket money if I was home later one more time but I don't think she'll CARRY OUT / EXECUTE / DO / MAKE her threat.
    to CARRY OUT (a threat)
  • I hope I haven't CREATED / CAUSED / MADE/ GIVEN you any trouble coming to stay unexpectedly.
    to CAUSE trouble
  • I WAS / SPENT / PASSED / STAYED 2 hours today trying to finish my homework.
    to SPEND time
  • Living in the country CREATED / DID / MADE / CAUSED a nice change after spending the last 3 years living in a city.
    to MAKE a nice change
  • Yesterday, I STAYED / WAS / SPENT / PASSED 2 hours listening to the radio.
    to SPEND time doing sth.
  • Andy obviously CAUSED / HAD / MADE / DID. a good impression on the examiners because they gave him a Grade A.
    to MAKE a good/ bad impression on sb
  • They say the wether is going to CONTINUE / STAY / FOLLOW / KEEP ON like this for the rest of the week.
    to STAY like this
  • Using up-to-date materials can DO / MAKE / HAVE / REALISE a dramatic effect on the amount students learn.
    to HAVE an effect on sb
  • I have DEDICATED / PASSED / DEVOTED / SPENT my life studying happiness.
    to SPEND one's life doing sth
  • The bad sound quality CAUSED / DID/ RESULTED IN / MADE the film very difficult to understand.
    to MAKE sth (difficult, easy, etc) to do
  • The bus strike has been GIVING / MAKING / CAUSING / CARRYING OUT problems for students trying to get to school.
    to CAUSE problems