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  • She remembered this ship from her childhood.
    He had not learned to read in his childhood.
  • The household went to bed, and, distressed beyond measure, Tess retired also.
    When it became clear that Petrulyn was too distressed to do it herself, he.
  • Lucky seemed oblivious to the attention we had, she was singing the lyrics of the song to me; it was endearing.
    The Republicans in the mid 1980s had it wrong because they were lazy: they didn’t even know or see the lyrics.
  • Unfortunately, during the past decade, many thousands of others have.
    Doctor Lewis had advised, taught and mentored him for over a decade.
  • He lifted the lid and I held my breath hoping he would like the box set tapes of the Moody Blues.
    I wasn't usually so angry, but I'd been quite moody since I discovered the truth about Grandpa.
  • In one month we will speak.
    It was the month of October,.
  • Maybe there is... a couple leap year babies too.
    Caused by the fact that 2008 was a leap year and therefore had one day more. ...
  • I don’t think I’ve missed a single issue of Millennium in the last few years, she said.
    This ‘Age of War’ continued for a millennium, only ending as one race rose to superiority.
  • Every time you mess with.
    What was at one time in.
  • It was an election year, and the.
    That was a year before Danny had.
  • After the singing and prayer, Mr
    The girls stood in silent prayer.
  • The second position went to Carles Durán and Albert Cardó
    now lived with her second aunt and worked there
  • He thought for a minute.
    She was silent a minute.
  • They all sat in silence,.
    There was a hushed silence.
  • It had been a miserable week.
    It was during her two week.
  • Where he spent one hour!
    We need that vital hour.
  • It’s the difference between being tickled by loose thread and being flogged with a tightly woven rope.
    Not more than two, or at most three, were actually flogged, however; that fact I wish to lay stress on.
  • The eighteenth century has its distinction.
    Skinner in the middle of the 20th century.
  • I don’t think I’ve missed a single issue of Millennium in the last few years, she said.
    This ‘Age of War’ continued for a millennium, only ending as one race rose to superiority.