
IELTS 1 - Unit 3

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  • What are some types of injuries that you might get playing sports?
  • Do you prefer swimming in a swimming pool or in the sea?
  • Have you ever been snorkelling/diving? Would you like to?
  • Is sport an important part of education? What does it teach people?
  • Which is the most dangerous sport? What kind of injuries occur when people play it?
  • Do you do exercises? How often do you do exercises?
  • Are there any sports you don't like? What are they and why don't you like them?
  • Which sports do you enjoy watching on TV? How much time do you spend watching them?
  • Do you like going to the gym?
  • Have you watched any sports live at a sports ground or stadium? How was the experience? Was it better than watching on TV?
  • How often do you read sport news?
  • People compete in sports, games, the economy and many other areas of life. What is good and bad about competition?
  • What is different between sports and e-sports?
  • What’s your favorite kind of exercise?
  • Is there too much money in sport? Are athletes paid too much or too little?
  • Would you like to play sport for a living?