
Ancient Egyptian Review Religion & Daily Life

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  • Who was fourth in the social class pyramid?
    Officials and Scribes
  • ____________avenged the death of his father by killing another Egyptian god. He leads people to the underworld when they die. He is sometimes depicted with the head of a falcon.
  • A simplified version of hieroglyphics. Use of dashes and strokes to represent pictures
    Hieratic Script
  • How did the Egyptians believe you were judged in the afterlife? What happened to those who were deemed unworthy and those who were deemed worthy?
    Your heart, which bore a record of your past deeds, was weighed on a scale against a feather of truth. If you were deemed unworthy, Anubis would throw you to th
  • Who was at the top of the social class pyramid?
  • Who was 5th in the social class pyramid?
  • _______________ is the mean and evil brother of Osiris. Also known as the god of violence and disorder
  • The priests performed _______________________ which was a ceremony that allowed the mummy to speak and eat in the afterlife.
    "Opening of the mouth"
  • The highest official in Ancient Egypt to serve the pharaoh
  • ___________________ is the messenger to Osiris. Is the guard of the scales during the weighing of the heart ceremony. They are also the god of the mummification and embalming process.
  • People in ancient Egypt (usually men) who learned to read and write.
  • What type of clothing did Ancient Egyptians wear if they were noble? What type of makeup did Egyptians use?
    They wore earrings, bracelets, rings, armbands, and anklets. They used lip paint and rouge made from red ocher and henna. They wore black or green eye paint.
  • A covered urn where organs of the mummy were kept inside.
    Canopic Jar
  • Who was in the second in the social class pyramid?
  • ______________ is the most important deity. He is the sun god. Responsible for the sun rising and setting as he sails his boat across the sky between heaven and earth.
  • _______________ is known as the god who is in charge of the underworld and is the judge of the dead.
  • The next step was that the Egyptians would wrap the body tightly with long ribbons of _____ soaked linen.
  • A decorative stone coffin used to house a mummy.
  • Who was in the bottom of the social class pyramid?
    Slaves, Laborers, and Peasants
  • Who was in the third in social class pyramid?
    High Priests and Nobles
  • ____________________ was considered the most dangerous part of the journey.
    Hall of two truths
  • A complex system of writing that implements drawings
  • A process used on the dead to properly preserve their body.
  • The Egyptians would pull the ___________ out through the nose and would throw it away since they did not consider it to control the body.
  • ______________ is goddess of magic and healing. She likes to wear a headdress shaped like a seat
  • Salt that was normally stuffed into the body of the mummy for 40 days.
  • A book that held magical spells to help the person pass through the underworld, a dangerous place filled with snakes, lakes of fire, and scary creatures.
    Book of the Dead
  • ___________ was a process that was used on the dead. The Egyptians would remove the intestines, stomach, liver, and lungs.
  • How did the Ancient Egyptians represent their gods/goddesses?
    They represented their gods/goddesses with animals or humans with animal heads. They also had built temples that held a golden statue of the god locked in a spe