
End of Year Review 2

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  • A (chef/photographer) is a (person/object/place) (where/who/which) cooks food.
    A chef is a person who cooks food.
  • They (no, make) water freeze.
    They haven't made water freeze.
  • I (yes, tidy) bedroom. (PP)
    I have tidied my bedroom.
  • He (no, use) speaker. (PP)
    He hasn't used the speaker.
  • Zoe's mom (yes, find) phone. (PP)
    Zoe's mom has found her phone.
  • A (speaker/printer/charger) is an (person/place/object) (where/which/who) copies/prints documents/paper from the computer.
    A printer is an object which copies/prints documents/paper from the computer.
  • What has she got?
    She has got earrings and a diamond ring.
  • A (speaker/printer/charger) is an (person/place/object) (where/which/who) plays music loud.
    A speaker is an object which plays music loud.
  • What hair has she got?
    She has got dark straight hair.
  • A (speaker/printer/charger) is an (person/place/object) (where/which/who) puts electricity into your phone so it doesn't die.
    A charger is an object which puts electricity/ energy into your phone so it doesn't die.
  • The (village/countryside/town) is an (person/place/object) (where/which/who) people can spend time in nature and go camping.
    The countryside is a place where people can spend time in nature and go camping.
  • The (village/countryside/town) is a small (person/place/object) (where/which/who) people live.
    The village is a small place where people live.
  • What has he got?
    He has got a moustache and a beard.