
English tea facts

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  • When you drink your tea, where is the spoon?
    On the saucer, not in the cup.
  • What seems to be the ongoing battle with how to add milk to tea?
    Whether the milk is poured first or not.
  • How do you eat your scones? In one piece or two halves?
    A HUGE no-no is making a scone sandwich by putting the two halves together with the cream and jam in the middle. Don’t do it! Shudder.
  • Where does the word ´sandwich`come from?
    Earl of Sandwich had the idea of putting a filling between two slices of bread.
  • When was English afternoon tea established? (century)
    It is a custom that was established by the seventh Duchess of Bedford in the 19th century. (1840)
  • May you lift your saucer from the table?
  • Is it allowed to lift your pinkie?
    No, this is a common mistake.That's actually rude and connotes elitism.
  • Tap your teaspoon on the side of the teacup. Yes or no?
  • Where do the terms "low tea" (UK) and "high tea" (US) come from?
    The tea is served on low/high tables
  • On elegant tea, what three things are always offered besides tea itself?
    On elegant tea meeting, milk, sugar and lemon are always provided to everyone's tastes.
  • Where do you hold the teacup by?
    By the handle
  • If being really posh, you do not circle you spoon in tea, you move it a few times from six o'clock to twelve o´clock. True or false?