
Daily Routines

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  • What do we do after getting up?
    Own opinion
  • What daily routine do you like?
  • Complete the sentence: Marie ___________. A. Clien the huose B. Do the laundry.
  • Which of these activities is a home routine?
    Wash the dishes
  • Congratulations you earned 5 points.
  • The daily activity we typically do is?
    Get up
  • How do you go to school or work?
    Your answer
  • Are you a morning o evening person?
  • Excellent you earned 25 points.
  • What are daily routines?
    Own opinion
  • What else do you like to do?
    Own opinion
  • What daily routine do you dislike?
  • Mention 2 leisure activities that you know
    Own opinion
  • Congratulations you earned 20 points.
  • What´s your typical week like?
  • It is an activity that we do every time before getting dressed.
    Take a shower / bath
  • Is exercise a domestic activity?
  • Wow 5 points
  • How do you say "tomar una siesta" in English?
    Take a nap
  • Name 2 household activities