
vocabulario 6

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  • pleased
    happy or satisfied
  • ashamed
    feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done or about a quality in your character
  • glum
    disappointed or unhappy, and quiet
  • outraged
    feeling outrage
  • thrilled
    extremely happy about something
  • nervous
    worried and anxious
  • grumpy
    easily annoyed and complaining
  • guilty
    feeling guilt
  • tired
    in need of rest or sleep
  • irritated
  • threatened
    in danger, or likely to stop existing
  • frightened
    feeling fear or worry
  • anxious
    worried and nervios
  • embarrassed
    feeling ashamed or shy
  • annoyed
  • shocked
    surprised or upset because something unexpected and usually unpleasant has happened
  • puzzled
    confused because you do not understand something
  • proud
    feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good
  • drowsy
    being in a state between sleeping and being awake
  • calm
    peaceful, quiet, and without worry