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  • How many eggs does this special turtle have?
  • What is the name of the most famous beach in Kefalonia?
    Myrtos Beach
  • What is the name of the most famous lake in Kefalonia?
  • How many olive trees are there in Kefalonia?
    More than 1 million
  • What are the dangers for the turtle? Από τι κινδυνεύει η χελώνα καρέτα καρέτα;
    Plastic bags, nets, humans Πλαστικές σκούλες, δύχτια, ψαράδες
  • What is the capital of Kefalonia?
  • How is the type of music sang by Kefalonites called?
    Kantades Καντάδες
  • What is the name of the rare turtle that lives in Kefalonia?
    Χελώνα Καρέτα-Καρέτα Kareta- Kareta
  • TRUE OR FALSE Kefalonia is the second largest island in Ionion
  • What does kareta-kareta like to eat? Ποιοί μεζέδες αρέσουν στην καρέτα καρέτα;
    Kalamari, jelly-fish, octapus, seaweed καλαμάρια, χταπόδια, τσούχτρες, θαλάσσια φυτά