
AS3 have to

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  • Denis ______learn English. (no)
    does not have to
  • Children_____ watch TV every day. (no)
    do not have to
  • I _______wear a uniform. (yes)
    have to
  • Tom and Mike ______wear swimming caps. (yes)
    have to
  • You ______ play with my brother. (no)
    do not have to
  • Mum_______cook food on Saturdays. (yes)
    has to
  • She _______ help her mum. (no)
    does not have to
  • He ______go to school on Mondays. (yes)
    has to
  • They _______ wash the foor. (no)
    do not have to
  • The phone ______ have a good camera. (no)
    does not have to
  • It ____ be done quickly. (yes)
    has to