
고1 3단원 본문

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  • Since I was determined to end the matter once and for all, I grabbed the intercom again and asked him to connect me to Apartment 909. 읽고 해석
    나는 이 문제를 완전히 끝내기로 마음을 굳게 먹었기 때문에, 인터컴 수화기를 다시 한번 붙잡고 아파트 관리자에게 909호에게 연결해 달라고 요청했다.
  • 접두사 in-/im-의 2가지 뜻을 말하고 각각의 예시 하나씩 말하기
    1. not, impatient, impossible, inexpensive... 2. in, into import, inspect, income, insight....
  • With her cooperation, I’d have already delivered the gift. 직설법으로 바꾸기
    As I didn't have her cooperation(there was not her cooperation), I didn't deliver the gift.
  • You’ve gone way too far with this, and I’m becoming nervous since you complain almost every day. 읽고 해석
    당신은 이 문제에 대해서 너무 심하시네요. 그리고 당신이 거의 매일 불평을 하시니 제가 점점 예민해지네요.
  • She had never seen snow until she moved to Iceland. 읽고 해석하고 완료, 결과, 계속, 경험 중에 고르기.
    그녀는 그녀가 아이슬란드로 이사할 때까지 눈을 본 적이 없다. 경험
  • What did the writer bring upstairs?
    A pair of slippers.
  • If I had had the ability myself, I’d have been quieter. 직설법으로 고치기
    As I didn't have the ability myself, I couldn't be quieter.
  • Yet the wisdom that comes with age told me that the angrier I became, the more I needed to calm myself down and act carefully. 이 문장에서 쓰인 that이 각각 어떤 that인지 말하고 문장 해석하기.
    주격 관계대명사, 접속사. 하지만 나이가 들면서 생기는 지혜는, '내가 화가 날수록 점점 더 자신을 차분히 가라앉히고, 신중하게 행동하는 것이 더욱 필요하다'는 것을 내게 말해 주었다.
  • After I hung up I remembered what I’d wanted to say. 읽고 해석하기
    나는 전화를 끊고 나서야 내가 하려고 했던 말을 기억해냈다.
  • Her voice became (desperate / desprerately). 알맞은 단어 고르기
  • Have you ever had a problem with your neighbors?
    Yes, I have. A neighbor played basketball inside his home at midnight.
  • His voice seemed impatient. It seemd~ 문장으로 바꾸기
    It seemed that his voice was impatient.
  • He said, "I have lost my umbrella." 간접화법으로 바꾸기
    He said he had lost his umbrella.
  • 접미사 -less 뜻 말하고 예시 2개 말하기
    without something, shameless, careless, thoughtless, useless, endless...
  • I needed to calm myself down and act carefully.에서 myself는 무슨 용법?
  • If I had had the ability myself, I'd have been quieter. 읽고 해석하기
    만약 제 자신이 능력이 있었다면, 저는 더 조용히 있었을 거예요.
  • I wish you'd been quieter. I'm sorry (that) 사용해서 직설법으로 바꾸기
    I'm sorry you were not quieter.
  • They have made him steal bread.
    He has been made to steal bread by them.
  • With her cooperation, I'd have already delivered the gift along with a kind greeting. 읽고 해석
    그녀가 협조를 해줬더라면 다정한 인사와 함께 이미 선물을 전했을 것이다.
  • I want ( what/that ) any reanonable person would want. ()에 들어갈 단어를 선택 후 이유 말하고 해석하기
    what. 뒷문장 불완전하고 선행사도 없음. 해석: 저는 합리적인 사람이라면 누구나 원할 만한 것을 원해요.