
The Trojan War/ The Iliad

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  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • What does Hector foretell at his death?
    The death of Achilles by Paris and Apollo
  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • How does the Iliad end?
    With the death of Hector.
  • What is the difference between a simile and metaphor?
    Both are a comparison, but a simile uses “like” or “as”
  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • How does Athena trick Hector?
    She pretends to be Deiphobus (Hector’s brother) and to help Hector, but she than leaves him alone with Achilles.
  • Who is King Menelaus?
    He was married to Helen and is King of Sparta
  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • What happens to Andromache at the end?
    She faints after seeing her husband’s body dragged.
  • Who is Hera, and what side does she fight for?
    Queen of all gods, on the side of Greece
  • Why is Achilles so angry with Hector?
    Hector killed his best friend, Patroclus
  • Who is Agamemnon?
    King Menelaus’ brother and leader of the Greeks
  • What god is helping Achilles?
    Athena (Athene)
  • Who is Aphrodite, what side is she on?
    Goddess of love, on the side of Troy
  • Who is Achilles?
    The greatest warrior to live, on the side of Greece
  • How does Achilles treat Hector’s body?
    He stabs it repeatedly and drags it behind a chariot around Troy.
  • What covenant does Hector ask Achilles to make before his death?
    That they will honor the body of whoever dies.
  • Who is Helen?
    The most beautiful woman in the world. Paris taking her started the war.
  • Who is King Priam?
    King of Troy
  • Was Homer a real author?
    It is highly debated...
  • When does the Iliad take place during the Trojan War?
    The story begins 9/10 years into the war
  • Who is Paris?
    He is a prince of Troy. He stole Helen after he chose Aphrodite for the Golden Apple.
  • Name an element of an Epic.
    1.Multiple Settings 2.Epic style of writing 3.Supernatural Involvement 4.Legendary Hero 5.Super Human Strength 6.Omniscient Nar
  • Who is Odysseus?
    He is the most cunning of the Greeks and King of Ithaca.
  • Who was the conflict of the Golden Apple?
    Three goddess were fighting over a golden apple, which said “to the most beautiful.” Zeus picks Paris to decide who is the most beautiful.
  • Who is the author of the Iliad?
  • What does Hector respond to his pleading parents?
    He will fight because of his honor.
  • What god is helping Hector but then leaves?