
The Romans

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  • Who was responsible of conquering new land and keeping the peace?
    The Roman army.
  • What is the name of the first King of Rome?
  • What was the name of the first Emperor?
  • What was the name of the Roman soldiers?
    Their name was legionaries.
  • Who had all the power in an Empire?
    The Emperor had all the power.
  • What did the Romans build to cross rivers?
    They built bridges.
  • Did the Romans have one God?
    No, they had many Gods.
  • How many kings did Rome have?
    It had seven kings.
  • What did the Romans use to transport water?
    They used aqueducts.
  • What was the animal that represented the Roman army?
    The eagle.
  • When was Rome founded?
    It was founded in 753 BC.
  • How was society composed?
    Society was made up the Patricians, the Plebeians (plibians), and the Slaves.
  • Who made the decisions in the Roman republic?
  • What was the name of the sea next to Rome?
    Mediterranean sea
  • Rome was first a Monarchy, then a Republic and at the end....
    an empire
  • Why did the Empire end?
    Because Germanic tribes invaded Rome.