
TOEIC A - Vocab TEST Reading 2- Tenses

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  • đa dạng
    a variety of
  • publish
    phát hành/ xuất bản
  • inquire
    hỏi/ yêu cầu
  • hội đồng thành phố
    city council
  • 1. Mr Robinson think that the ___ will be left unchanged. A. interested rate B. interesting rate C. interest rates D. interest rating
  • take place
    diễn ra
  • D_ily g_ided t_urs
    Daily guided tours
  • The f_ctory's pr_ductivity
    The factory's productivity
  • 4. All the flights to Beijing and Shanghai have been canceled due to bad weather _________. A. conditions B. participation C. headquarters D. candidates
  • thông báo
    inform = announce
  • ứng viên
  • trụ sở chính
  • state-of-the-art
    hiện đại
  • personnel department
    phòng nhân sự
  • The n_w man_facturing s_stem
    The new manufacturing system
  • đáp ứng nhu cầu
    meet demand