
Apologia Advanced Biology Module 16

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  • What does fetus mean?
    Young one
  • What is organogenesis?
    The formation of organs in a developing fetus
  • What are the testes outside the abdominal cavity?
    Spermatogenesis can't occur at 98.6° F, it needs to be 93.2° F
  • What is implantation in reproduction?
    burrowing of the blastocyst into the endometrium
  • What are Leydig cells?
    The interstitial cells that secrete testosterone.
  • What is anabolism?
    all of the synthesis reactions in the body
  • What are the secondary sex characteristics? ( in general)
    The characteristics that appear during puberty and tend to distinguish men from women
  • What is ovulation?
    The release of a mature oocyte from a mature follicle
  • How many eggs does a woman have when she is born?
    1 million
  • What is oogenesis?
    The production of a haploid germ sell by the ovaries
  • What are sertoli cells?
    nursemaid cells. they are found in the seminiferous tubules and support and nourish the cells performing spermatogenesis
  • What is lactation?
    The process by which a female mammal produces and secretes milk to feed her young
  • What is menses?
    Periodic shedding of the uterine endometrium : blood, vaginal fluid, and the cells and fluid of the late secretory phase to be shed from the vagina
  • What hormones govern the menstrual cycle and what do they do?
    1.FSH-stimulates the growth of a follicle containing the egg, 3. Estrogen (Oestradiol) 4, progesterone
  • Of the forms of birth control, (chemical, barrier, spermicides, IUD) what is the significant issue with and IUD?
    fertilization occurs, but implantation is prevented. (this is also a problem with some forms of chemical birth control)
  • What is the order of of the stages of development? (cleavage, zygote, gastrula, neurula, blastula, morula)
    zygote, cleavage, morula, blastula, gastrula, neurula
  • Which stages of development are completed before the embryo enters the uterus?
    zygote, cleavage and morula
  • What is menopause?
    The last menstruation: after which a woman no longer ovulates and is not longer fertile
  • What is coitus?
    Sexual intercourse
  • In oogenesis, how many eggs are formed from one oogonium?
    Only 1, and 3 polar bodies which die away.
  • What is catabolism?
    All of the decomposition reactions that occur in the body
  • What is puberty?
    A series of events that transform a child into a sexually mature adult
  • Do the sperm and the egg contribute equal amounts of genetic material.
    yes, but only the ovum contributes mitochondrial DNA
  • Which ovarian hormone dominates the luteal phase?
  • So the egg and the sperm contribute equal amounts of cytoplasm?
    No, The cell contributes virtually all the cytoplasm
  • The amount of LH and FSH are decreasing. has ovulation occurred?
    Yes, FSH and LH decrease in the Luteal stage in a nonpregnant sycle
  • What is semen?
    a mixture of sperm and the secretions of the testes, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland.
  • What is spermatogenesis?
    The process by which sperm form in the seminiferous tubule