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  • I'm cold. I ... (turn) the heating on.
    will turn
  • I ... (play) golf with Andy tomorrow afternoon.
    am playing
  • I promise I ... (call) you when I ... (get) home.
    will call, get
  • ... we all ... the same language in the future? (speak)
    Will we all speak
  • Be careful with the vase. You ... (break) it!
    are going to break
  • I ... (study) Marketing next year.
    am going to study
  • ... with your cousins next summer? (you/stay)
    Are you going to stay
  • Look at those clouds! It ... (rain).
    is going to rain
  • The zookeeper ... (feed) the animals before he ... (clean) their cages.
    will feed, cleans
  • He ... (travel) around Europe after he ... (finish)high school.
    will travel, finishes
  • When the new animal shelter ... (open), I ... (volunteer) there.
    opens, will volunteer
  • What ... (you do) after you ... (finish) your exams?
    will you do, finish
  • The football match ... (strat) at 7pm.
  • Finish your homework. You ...(not go out) with your friends until you do it.
    won't go out/will not go out
  • We ... (not book) a winter holiday this year.
    are not going to book
  • ... the meeting ... at 10 am or at 12 noon? (start)
    Does, start
  • The train to Birmingham ... (leave) at 2:30 from platform 2.
  • We ... (watch) a film at 7:30 at the cinema. Do you want to join us?
    are watching
  • As soon as mum ... (cook) dinner, we ... (set) the table.
    cooks, will set
  • I think we ... (not see) Max today because he's ill.
    won't see