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  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a teddy It's brown It's big
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a ball It's yellow It's small
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a kite It's red. It's big.
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a puzzle It's colourful It's big
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a bike It's blue It's big
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a car It's white It's big.
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a doll It's pink It's small
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a ball. It's blue and yellow It's big.
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a teddy It's brown It's small
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a car It's red It's small
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a scooter It's pink and blue It's big
  • What's this? What colour is it'? It's big or it's small?
    It's a game It's orange It's small