
May the 4th Be With You

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  • Finish the line: "That's no moon..."
    "that's a space station."
  • Who was the other X-Wing pilot to survive the attack on the Death Star in A New Hope?
    Wedge Antilles
  • Who is the crime boss that Han Solo owes a debt to?
    Jabba the Hutt
  • Who was Anakin Skywalker's padawan?
    Ahsoka Tano
  • What are the names of Luke's aunt and uncle?
    Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru
  • This Dug is the champion racer that Anakin beats in the Boonta Eve podrace.
  • In Return of the Jedi, the ewoks worshiped this character as a god.
  • Who was the Jedi Master that Luke learned from in Empire Strikes Back?
    Master Yoda
  • Where was the location of the hidden Rebel base?
    Yavin 4
  • What bounty hunter helped the Empire track down Han and Leia in Empire Strikes Back?
    Boba Fett
  • Who found Luke in the desert, saved him, and started training him to be a Jedi?
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • In Star Wars, what do they call the invisible power that binds the galaxy together?
    The Force
  • In Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan warns Anakin about this advantage he has in their duel.
    The high ground.
  • What are the names of the droids that crash landed on Tatooine in A New Hope?
    R2-D2 & C-3PO
  • This is the name of Baby Yoda in The Mandalorian.
  • Luke and Obi-Wan bought passage aboard the Millennium Falcon, which is crewed by these two.
    Han Solo & Chewbacca
  • She was the Senator of Naboo and Luke and Leia's mother.
    Padme Amidala
  • Admiral Akbar yelled out this meme worthy line in Return of the Jedi.
    "It's a trap!"
  • In The Force Awakens, 3PO thinks Han might not recognize him because of this change in his appearance.
    His red arm.
  • What order did the Emperor give that had the clones eliminate the Jedi?
    Order 66