
To be + & -

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • You / my friend
    You are my friend
  • She / not / in the garden
    She isn't in the garden
  • She / not / a teacher
    She isn't a teacher
  • The bus / not / yellow
    The bus isn't yellow
  • It / not / a parrot
    It isn't a parrot
  • They / at school
    They are at school
  • He / 9 / years old
    He is 9 years old
  • Teddy and Larry / twins
    Teddy and Larry are twins
  • The umbrella / not / red
    The umbrella isn't red
  • The car / brown
    The car is brown
  • They / not / tomatoes
    They aren't tomatoes
  • They / not / brothers
    They aren't brothers