
SPaG Revision Year 6

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  • 2 verbs beginning with 'r'
    run, rot, rain,
  • Label the adjective, noun, verb and adverb in this sentence. The intelligent boy ran secretly.
    adj = intelligent, noun = boy, verb = ran, adv = secretly
  • Think of 1 question, 1 command, 1 statement and 1 exclamation sentence.
    Teacher examples.
  • Can you add 2 commas here to show that Mr McNall likes 4 chocolates? My favourite chocolates are galaxy caramel giant buttons and mini eggs.
    My favourite chocolates are galaxy, caramel, giant buttons and mini eggs.
  • Ask me if I am going to watch the football match on Sunday in a formal and then an informal way.
    Are you watching the game on Sunday mate? Are you observing the soccer dual on Sunday?
  • Name a co-ordinating conjunction
  • Name a sub-ordinating conjunction
  • How many determiners in this sentence? The school was located near a busy road beside many houses.
    the, a, many
  • Which words are a synonym of the word 'start'? continue / decide / commence
  • Change these to contractions. I am We are He is She will
    I'm We're He's She'll
  • What could go in the brackets? I'm going to watch my favourite football team (??????) play at the weekend.
    (Newcastle United)
  • Insert a comma. Although he was the youngest Tom was the tallest.
    Although he was the youngest, Tom was the tallest.
  • Name a word which could be used as a noun AND a verb.
  • If you add the prefix un to the root word decided, how does it change the meaning of the word?
    undecided = not sure
  • Add a comma. During the morning I worked hard in Maths.
    During the morning, I worked hard in Maths.
  • Change Jack for a pronoun. The man gave Jack some sweets. Jack ate the sweets.
    him / he
  • Add 3 adverbs to this sentence. I got up, got dressed, ate my breakfast and left the house.
    I got up late, got dressed quickly, ate my breakfast rapidly and left the house.
  • Give me a sentence which uses 'help' as a verb and another which uses 'help' as a noun.
    Can we help you? // Your help was amazing.