
fluency - MQO

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  • Using a speech strategy - tell the group what is happening in this picture!
    Petting at the zoo
  • TOPIC TWISTER: Using the speech strategy OVERARTICULATION, tell the group something you like to do in the summer time
    Summer time favorite
  • Using a speech strategy - tell the group what is happening in this picture!
    Soccer Game!
  • What does having a GOOD SPEECH RATE mean?
    not too fast, not too slow, just right!
  • PICK A STRATEGY - tell the group what strategy you are going to use. Then tell us your favorite breakfast food!
    I smell bacon!
  • Using a speech strategy - tell the group what is happening in this picture!
    ooey gooey cookies!
  • What does "ORGANIZE YOUR THOUGHTS" mean?
    Think about what you want to say before you say it. Think - (plan) - SPEAK!
  • TOPIC TWISTER: Using the speech strategy Organize Your Thoughts, tell the group your favorite dessert/candy
    Favorite Dessert/Candy
  • Using a speech strategy - tell the group what is happening in this picture!
  • What is the speech strategy that is defined, "say every sound in every word"?
  • PICK A STRATEGY - tell the group what strategy you are going to use. Then tell the group what you (think) you would like to be when you grow up.
    In the future, I want to be
  • what does "PAUSING" mean for clear speech?
    Pausing is stopping in the middle of a sentence. Pausing slows down speech to make your stories more organized.
  • Tell me one place that you rate your speech in the red zone - OMG That was hard!
    Lots of stuttering, mixed emotions.
  • PICK A STRATEGY - tell the group what strategy you are going to use. Then tell us what your favorite season is and WHY its your favorite.
    Seasons Change!
  • TOPIC TWISTER: Using A GOOD SPEECH RATE, tell the group about somewhere you like to go
    Favorite place!
  • Tell me one place that you rate your speech in the green zone - EZ peezy lemon squeezy!
    Super Fluent!
  • Using a speech strategy - tell the group what is happening in this picture!
    Disc Golf!