
part 4 - Uriel and Lola

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  • Sally completely ignored the advice I gave her and bought that awful car. NOTICE Sally ......... the advice I gave her and bought that awful car.
    took no notice of
  • I’ve never given this presentation before, Mary admitted. FIRST Mary admitted that it was .......... given that presentation.
    the first time she had
  • I’m not convinced that David is holding something back about his plans for moving. HONEST I’m convinced that David is ............. about his plans for moving.
    not being honest
  • The manager assured me that she would order a replacement watch. WORD The manager ......... that she would order a replacement watch.
    gave her word
  • James would only speak to the head of department alone. ON James ......... to the head of department alone.
    insisted on speaking
  • The manager never doubted that the latest model of the phone would be a great success. MIND There was never any .......... that the latest model of the phone would be a great success.
    doubt in the manager’s mind
  • The price of computer has come down over the last few years. DROP There ......... the price of computers over the last few years
    has been a drop in
  • There was no money to allow the construction of the road to continue. LACK Construction of the road could not .......... money.
    continue due to a lack of
  • It’ll be sunny later, so it’s a good idea to apply som sunscreen. BETTER It’ll be sunny later, so you .......... on some sunscreen.
    had better put
  • Gina found it impressive that her tutor was able to remember all his students’ names. ABILITY Gina was ........ to remember all his students’ names.
    impressed with her tutors’ ability
  • Jane knew she should arrive at the airport two hours early. MEANT Jane knew she .......... up at the airport two hours early.
    Was meant to show
  • Lisa was a good candidate so not surprisingly she was offered the job. CAME Lisa was a good candidate ......... that she was offered the job.
    so it came as no surprise
  • John always trained hard, but he never succeeded in winning a gold medal. HOW No ............ trained, he never succeeded in winning a gold medal
    no matter how hard John