
Light and Patterns in the Sky

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  • All colors are inside of light. True or False?
  • Does the sun revolve around the Earth?
  • How does the Earth Move?
    It rotates, or spins
  • How long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth?
    1 month
  • Is light the fastest thing on earth?
  • Does the moon stay still?
    No, the moon orbits the Earth
  • The sun turns into the moon at night. True or False?
    False! The sunsets and the moon appears
  • Does a prism bend light?
  • Where does the sun rise?
    The sun rises in the East
  • On any night, does the moon look the same no matter where you are on Earth?
  • Is the Sun a star?
  • Does the moon glow by itself?
    No, the glow is the sun reflecting off the moon
  • Where does the sun set?
    The sun sets in the West