
Chapter 15/16 (Sections 1 & 2)

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  • Why did the Union Army have trouble crossing the Rappahannock River during the Battle of Fredericksburg?
    The Confederates had destroyed all the bridges.
  • How did slavery give the Confederacy a military advantage?
    Slave labor kept the South’s economy going so that more white men could fight.
  • Compare and contrast the importance of Maryland and Missouri to the Union.
    Both were border states. Maryland - small, surrounded the nation’s capital on three sides. Missouri - big state, many soldiers, produced lots of food
  • Where did the first skirmish between ironclad warships take place?
    near Hampton Roads, Virginia
  • What does enlist mean?
    to join
  • What does mobilize mean?
    to organize and prepare troops for war
  • Why did many families never receive official notice that their relative had died in war?
    Soldiers did not carry official identification with them.
  • What is the term that means to keep infected people away from those who have not yet contracted a disease?
  • What was the purpose of the Civil War right after the attack on Fort Sumter?
    to reunite the nation
  • How did the industrial capacity of the North compare to that of the South at the start of the Civil War?
    The North had five times the South's capacity.
  • Which event happened last?
    The Union issued the Conscription Act.
    Riots against the draft broke out in New York City.
    Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
    The Confederacy issued a draft law.
  • What is an exemption?
    a release from obligations
  • How did General Jackson get the nickname “Stonewall”?
    He stood firm against enemy fire at the first Battle of Bull Run.
  • What are army troops who fight on horseback called?
  • What factors might have kept an African American from hearing about the Emancipation Proclamation?
    Slaves had masters who controlled everything they did. Most slaves could not read or write. Confederate leaders might have kept the news from spreading.
  • Which event happened first?
    death of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
    organization of the 54th Massachusetts
    enlistment of Charles and Lewis Douglass
    storming of Fort Wagner
  • Why did women riot and loot stores in Richmond?
    They thought that merchants were hoarding supplies.
  • Why was Fort Wagner strategically important?
    It guarded the Port of Charleston.
  • Compare and contrast muskets with rifles designed in the 1850s.
    Muskets - Smooth Barrels, unpredictable-> Rifles - Barrels are grooved, causing bullet to spin. More accurate, longer range.
  • What was Lincoln's ultimate goal when he ordered troops to Manassas?
    to test General Irvin McDowell
    to surprise the Confederate Army
    to give the Union infantry practice
    to seize Richmond, Virginia
  • What do you call a mandatory term of military service?
    a draft
  • What does evacuate mean?
    to leave a location, usually for one’s own protection
  • What do you call an individual or group blamed for the mistakes or faults of others?
    a scapegoat
  • How many more soldiers did the North have than the South when the Civil War started?
    eight times as many
  • What are border states?
    a state that bordered both Union and Confederate states, namely Maryland, Kentucky, Delaware, Missouri, and West Virginia
  • What do you call a small, fast ship carrying mounted guns?
    A gunboat
  • How did northern manufacturers make extra profits from supplying the Union Army?
    Greedy manufacturers got federal funds for supplying the troops, but they manufactured the goods poorly, using low-quality materials to reduce their own costs.
  • What is a situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to win?
    a stalemate
  • Why did some people call for Lincoln to fire General Grant after the Battle of Shiloh?
    Many Union soldiers died in the battle
  • Name the military strategy during the Civil War in which the North planned to set up a blockade around the southern coast to ruin the South’s economy and secure ports on the Mississippi River, as a huge snake crushes its prey.
    The Anaconda Plan
  • Why did some southern plantation owners grow and keep cotton during the war?
    They expected cotton prices to rise after the war ended.
  • What work did Dorothea Dix do before the Civil War?
    She advocated for people who suffered from mental illness.
  • What is a pontoon?
    a portable, cylindrical float used to build a temporary bridge
  • Why did counties in northwest Virginia form a new state?
    The people did not support slavery.
  • What is an ironclad?
    a ship armored with iron plates to protect it from cannon fire
  • What is a bond?
    a certificate offered for sale to the public with the promise that the government will pay the money back at a later date
  • What African Americans remained enslaved even after the Emancipation Proclamation?
    It didn't apply to enslaved people in the Union’s slave-holding border states Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, or West Virginia.
  • What is a disease linked to malnutrition and a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables called?
  • Why did the Confederacy try to create a cotton shortage on the European market, and why did its plan fail?
    The Confederacy hoped that Great Britain and France ,would need the South’s cotton so badly that they would break through the Union Blockade.
  • What role did President Lincoln's brother-in-law play in the Civil War?
    Union cavalryman
    Confederate infantryman
    Confederate general
    Union physician
  • How much time passed between the Emancipation Proclamation and the formation of the 54th Massachusetts infantry regiment?
    about a year
    two years
    about six-and-a-half months
    less than two months
  • What form of financing involved citizens loaning money to the government, usually at interest?
    treasury bonds
  • What is another name for foot soldiers?
  • Which prison housed 45,000 Union prisoners?
    Andersonville, Georgia
  • What did President Lincoln say about South Carolina after the state seized Fort Sumter?
    It was in rebellion.
  • What do you call a person who is not in the military?
    A civilian
  • What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
    an 1863 document issued by Abraham Lincoln that freed all slaves living in Confederate-held territory during the American Civil War
  • what do you call a battle strategy that uses a system of ditches to give soldiers a protected place from which to fire during battle?
    Trench Warfare
  • What is the right of an arrested person to be brought before a judge before going to jail?
    Habeas Corpus
  • Why were desertions so high among Confederate and Union troops?
    Many were farmers who were needed at home on their farms. Some deserted because they thought it was unfair that rich people could buy their way out of service.
  • What happened to some families who lived near battle sites or army supply lines?
    Soldiers persuaded them to change sides.
    They were forced to fight in battles.
    They had to pay more for goods.
    Soldiers took their food and other supplies
  • What was the Legal Tender Act?
    an act that replaced the notes of individual banks with a unified national currency
  • What is mortality?
    the death rate
  • What common practice in the early years of the Civil War might have prevented prison camp tragedies?
    regular exchanges of prisoners of war
  • Why was the Civil War unpopular in the North after the Battle of Bull Run?
    The Union expected a quick and easy win, instead they lost and suffered many causalities.
  • Which statement best describes the life of Civil War soldiers?
    They usually spent 20 days each month in battle.
    They usually spent half of each month in battle.
    They usually spent 25 days each month in battle.
    They usually spent 1 day each month in battle.
  • What “greater moral purpose” did President Lincoln define for the North?
    ending slavery
  • What was the biggest challenge in implementing the Anaconda Plan?
    The North had to blockade more than 3,000 miles of coastline.
  • When did Lincoln replace General McClellan?
    after the Battle of Antietam
  • What led to the large number of casualties in the Battle of Antietam?
    General McClellan’s inability to use information about Confederate troops quickly led to the 23,000 casualties in the Battle of Antietam.
  • What did enslaved people freed by the Emancipation Proclamation still have to do to gain their freedom?
    escape to Union-controlled territory
  • To which group did most Civil War soldiers belong?
    farmers under the age of 30
    free African-American men
    young boys under the age of 12
    immigrants from Germany
  • Name the law instituted by the Union in 1863 stating that men between the ages of 20-45 years of age could be drafted into the military, but they could pay $300 instead.
    The Conscription Act
  • What is another name for supplied food?
  • What belief about women did the Civil War overturn?
    The war demolished the belief that it was inappropriate for women to nurse sick and wounded men.
  • What is a philanthropist?
    someone who actively promotes human welfare