
Restaurant English

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  • What is this?
    It's a steak knife
  • Who is the person whose job it is to seat you at a restaurant?
  • What do you call the food that comes after your main meal and is usually sweet?
  • How do you ask for more of this?
    Can I get some more water please?
  • What is this?
    It's a spoon
  • How do you ask for this?
    Can I have a napkin?
  • How would you like your steak?
    Medium rare, medium, well done, etc
  • How do you ask for this?
    Can I have the check/bill?
  • Name a common dessert
    cake, pie, ice cream, etc
  • What is this?
    it's a butter knife
  • How do you as for this?
    Can I see the menu?
  • How would you like your chicken?
    Fried or grilled
  • How do you ask for this?
    Can I have some butter please?
  • What is she?
    She's a cashier
  • What is this?
    It's a fork.
  • Can I get you anything to drink?
    Yes, I'd like a coke/coffee/etc
  • Are you ready to order?
    Yes, I'd like... or No, a few more minutes please
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
  • How would you ask for this?
    Can I have some salt please?
  • What is he?
    He is a server/waiter