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  • What would you do if you lend money to someone and they didn't pay you -/back?
    pay back
  • What kind of things do you usually buy in line/on line? Why don't you buy them in shops?
    on line
  • Bargaining - a smart or shameful way of buying things?
  • Have you ever put money or valuables away/ off in a safe place and then forgotten where you would put them?
    put away
  • Imagine you just won $ 1,000,000 and that you must spend All the money in less than one week. Also you can't buy anyone item worth more than $ 300, 000. How would you spend it? Give reasons.
  • What do you think about giving money to people for/in need? Do you do it or do you prefer to help in other ways?
    in need
  • Impulse buying-explain what it is . Have you ever experienced impulse buying?
  • Why people get in/into debt? Give reasons.
    into debt
  • If you asked for/ - the bill in a bar or a restaurant and found you didn't have enough money, what you do? 
    ask for
  • Have you ever or someone you know come on/up with any ideas for making extra money ?
    come up
  • What's the most expensive or the cheapest thing you have ever bought?
  • Should children have a weekly allowance? Why ? Why not? If yes, how much?
  • How do some people become well off ? Explain.
  • When you take out/ into someone for dinner, do you usually book a restaurant in advance? Why? Why not?
    take out
  • Would you keep up/on working if you won the lottery? Explain
    keep on
  • What would you do if you saw someone stealing expensive gadets and then running out/away?
    running away
  • Do you sometimes buy things on a whim? What is it usually?
  • Have you ever lost a purse or a wallet? Did you get it up/back? Explain.
    get back
  • What are the prons and cons of having a credit card?
  • Do you prefer taking money from/out of a cash machine in the street or inside the bank? Why?
    take out
  • What would you definitely not do if you won the lottery?