
Intelligent Future US7

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  • Which type of "recognition" was not mentioned in the article on page 2 - image, speech, face or voice?
  • What was the title of a 1970s tv series about a cyborg? The six million....
    ... dollar man.
  • Which language gave us the word "robot"?
  • What is the name of the "humanoid" robot created by Hanson Robotics?
  • What is the NOUN that comes from the verb recognise/recognize?
  • "If I were to lend you €20, would you pay it back?" Is this an example of a hypothetical past / present / future?
  • Who played the role of Deckard in the Film "Blade Runner" - Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford or Sylvester Stallone?
    Harrison Ford
  • What is the word that means an "imagined future" - Distemper, Dyspepsia, Dystopia or Dysfunction?
  • In which country are traffic lights known as "robots" - South Africa, Australia or New Zealand?
    South Africa
  • Guns that "think" and fire by themselves are known as UOOTAUONSM OEWNSPA (Unscramble the two words)
  • What do the initials AI stand for?
    Artificial Intelligence
  • Which word has a different stress pattern to the others?: nuclear/dominate/disaster/weaknesses
    disaster (second syllable stress: o O o)