
Vocabulary 5 Unit 2

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  • Month: any of the twelve parts of a year
    2: in a month i will see my favorite movie
  • Second: a short period of time
    2: I have 30 seconds for make my homework
  • Moody: often unhappy
    2: My sister is moody
  • Flogged: beat brutally
    2: Jesús was flogged
  • Distressed: feeling pain or unhappiness
    2: I was distressed for the news notice
  • Silence: a period without any sound; complete quiet
    2: My teacher say silence please
  • Leap year: a year of 366 days when February has 29 instead of 28
    2: My brother was born in the leap year
  • Lyrics: the words of a song
    2: I have a lyrics the my favorite song
  • Childhood: he time when someone is a child
    2: I live in the childhood
  • Decade: a period of ten years
    2: I have a 1 decade
  • Millenium: a period of 1,000 hundred years
    2: the earth has many millenium
  • Hour: a period equal to sixty minutes
    2: In a one hour i go a my house
  • Century: a period of one hundred years
    2: the independence of Guatemala have a Century
  • Prayer: words to thank God or to ask God for something
    2: I make a prayer
  • Time: he part of existence that is measured in minutes, days, years, etc., or this process considered as a whole
    2: The time is important
  • Feature: a typical quality or an important part of something
    2: I have a feature stranger
  • Minute: a period of sixty second
    2: in a 5 minutes i have a test
  • Coffin: a box wich a dead body is buried
    2: My father have a coffin
  • Week: a period of seven days
    2: This week i travel to Xela
  • Year: a period of twelve months
    2: In the next year is my birthday