
Tell me an anecdote!

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  • A leadership experience.
    What was it? What was the job? Did you like it?
  • A time you got lost.
    Where were going? How did you find your way back? What happened in the end?
  • A time when you disagreed with someone.
    What was everybody's reaction? Did they try to change your idea? What happened after that?
  • A time you made a mistake.
    How long? What was it? What did you do later?
  • A love story from the past.
    How did you meet? How the story finished? How did you feel?
  • An accomplishment you are most proud of.
    What was it? What happened? Why do you feel pround of?
  • A funny or strange thing someone has done.
    What was it? Why is it funny? Did this happen again?
  • A supernatural event you lived.
    What happened and how was it? Were you alone? How did you feel?
  • A time when you had to lie to someone.
    Why did you have to lie? How was the story you told people? What happened after you told the lie? How the story finished?
  • A time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.
    Were you recognized for that? What was the job?  Was only you responsable for?
  • A difficult situation in the work.
    Who's got involved?Where was it? What did you do? What was the solution?