
Reduced relative clauses

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  • The letters which Mary sent last week have returned to the post office
    The letters Mary sent last week have returned to the post office
  • The man who was killed in the accident lived in the CBD
    The man killed in the accident lived in the CBD
  • All those who do not need to buy tickets please go straight in
    All those not needing to buy tickets please go straight in
  • The woman who lives downstairs is always complaining!!
    The woman living downstairs is always complaining!
  • This is the man who I was talking to you about
    This is the man I was talking to you about
  • The woman who is talking about your mother is my aunt
    The woman talking about your mother is my aunt
  • The bouquet was made from flowers which were grown locally
    The bouquet was made from flowers grown locally
  • Can you see the boy who's playing soccer? He's my brother
    Can you see the boy playing soccer? He's my brother
  • Wikipedia, which was launched in 2001, is one of the great internet successes
    Wikipedia, launched in 2001, is one of the great internet successes.
  • All candidates who were selected were given a second interview
    All candidates selected were given a second interview
  • The man who is standing by the window is my uncle
    The man standing by the window is my uncle