
Food Pyramid

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  • Give two examples of food from the grain group.
    Personal answer.
  • Give two examples of food from the protein group.
    Personal answer.
  • What group has food that gives our body energy?
    The grain group.
  • Give an example of a strenuous activity (over 350 claories).
    aerobics, jogging, running, swimming
  • Give two examples of food from the oils and sweets group.
    Personal answer.
  • What group do carrots belong to?
    Carrots belong to the vegetable group.
  • How many calories are there in a glass of orange juice?
  • What group has food that is good for our muscles?
    The protein group.
  • Give an example of an activity that requires up to 100 calories.
    sleeping, reading, writing, watching TV, thinking
  • What group is the smallest in the food pyramid?
    The oils and sweets group.
  • Give two examples of food from the vegetable group.
    Personal answer.
  • What group does cake belong to?
    Cake belongs to the oils and sweets group.
  • How many groups are there in the food pyramid?
    There are six groups.
  • What group does cheese belong to?
    Cheese belongs to the dairy (or milk) group.
  • What group does bread belong to?
    Bread belongs to the grain group.
  • What group has food that is good for our bones?
    The dairy (or milk) group.
  • How many calories are there in a glass of milk?
  • Give an example of a moderate activity (170-250 calories).
    washing the car, cleaning the house, making beds, shopping
  • What are the six groups of the food pyramid?
    Grains, vegetables, fruits, oils and sweets, dairy (or milk group), and proteins.
  • What group does beef belong to?
    Beef belongs to the protein group.
  • What group do apples belong to?
    Apples belong to the fruit group.
  • What group is the biggest group in the food pyramid?
    The grain group.
  • Give two examples of food from the dairy (or milk) group.
    Personal answer.