
The Progressive Era

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  • Why was the Federal Reserve System created?
    to gain trust back to the bank
  • What book made Roosevelt investigate the meatpacking industry?
    "The Jungle"
  • What was a bad trust?
    a trust that only for the benefit of one business (greedy)
  • T/F Richard A. Ballinger removed 2 million acres of land for mining
  • What did the Elkins Act do?
    it prevented railroads officials from giving rebates for shipping
  • Who was Richard A. Ballinger?
    he was the Secretary of the Interior
  • What did the sixteenth amendment do?
    it created a federal income tax
  • Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
    He founded the NAACP in 1909
  • How many anti-trust suits were filed by Teddy Roosevelt during his presidency?
  • What did the Pure Food and Drug Act do?
    it stopped people from selling bad food/medicine. It also had companies put the ingredients n the container.
  • What did John Muir do?
    He convinced Roosevelt to set aside 148 million acres of forest aside
  • T/F Taft was handpicked by Roosevelt to become the president
  • The progressive party was also known as the?
    Bull Moose Party
  • Who won the election of 1912?
    Woodrow Wilson
  • What year was the Meat Inspection Act made?
  • What did the Newlands Act do?
    it gave power to the federal government to control the water in the West
  • In 1900 trusts controlled how much of the industries in the US?
  • What does NAACP stand for?
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • What year was the Elkins Act passed?
  • How many wildlife sanctuaries did Roosevelt create?
    more than 50
  • What did Eugene Debs want to do?
    end capitalism
  • How many trusts did Taft get rid of during his presidency?
  • What was the Clayton Antitrust Act?
    it says that a company could not buy other companie's stock if it would create a monopoly
  • What was the name of the act that created requirements for the cleanliness for meat to be sold?
    Meat Inspection Act
  • Who was William Howard Taft?
    the 26th president of the US