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  • What's the habit ?
    dropping litter or rubbish
  • What's the habit ?
    eating junk food
  • What's the habit ?
    arguing with a sibling
  • What's the habit ?
    washing your hands
  • What's the habit ?
    being rude with pets
  • What's the habit ?
    doing yoga / meditation
  • What's the habit ?
    being on time
  • What's the habit ?
    sleeping properly / good night's sleep
  • What's the habit ?
    dropping mobile phone
  • What's the habit ?
    making your bed
  • What's the habit ?
    using a rubbish bin
  • What's the habit ?
    doing homework  or studying hard
  • What's the habit ?
    hugging friends / giving friends a hug
  • What's the habit ?
  • What's the habit ?
    eating healthy food
  • What's the habit ?
    exercisinggoing to the gym
  • What's the habit ?
    helping other people
  • What's the habit ?
    playing online games too much
  • What's the habit ?
    biting your nails
  • What is the habit ?
    brushing your teeth