
EU 4 Units 5 and 6 Test

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  • Kai/ do for/ girlfriend
    What did Kai do for his girlfriend? He made jewelry for her.
  • What is this?
    This is a mosaic of toilet paper.
  • When/ Kai/ this morning?
    When did Kai pick his nose? He picked his nose this morning.
  • Kai's mom/ lunch?
    What did Kai's mom drink with lunch? She drank orange juice with lunch.
  • Kai/ Breakfast?
    What did Kai drink with breakfast? He drank beer with breakfast.
  • Mike/ Free time/ No?
    Does Mike like to play soccer in his free time? No, he doesn't. He likes to lift weights in his free time.
  • When/ Ellie/ Today?
    When did Ellie play the piano? She played the piano today.
  • Mike/ do for/ Fiona
    What did Mike do for Fiona? He made dinner for her.
  • Lilly/ Free time/ No?
    Does Lilly like to listen to music in her free time? No, she doesn't. She likes to study in her free time.
  • What is this?
    This is a painting of a ship.
  • When/ Lilly/ Yesterday?
    When did Lilly dance? She danced yesterday.
  • Kai/ Free time?
    What does Kai like to do in his free time? He likes to play board games in his free time.
  • Kai/ Free time/ No?
    Does Kai like to watch TV in his free time? No, he doesn't. He likes to play games in his free time.
  • What is this?
    This is a photograph of a bird and a flower.
  • When/ Mike/ last year?
    When did Mike take a shower? He took a shower last year.
  • Mike/ Free time?
    What does Mike like to do in his free time? He likes to play the guitar in his free time.
  • Lilly/ Dinner?
    What did Lilly eat for dinner? She ate spaghetti for dinner.
  • Mike/ Dessert?
    What did Mike eat for dessert? He ate strawberries for dessert.
  • What is this?
    This is a sculpture of a fish.
  • Lilly/ Free time?
    What does Lilly like to do in her free time? She likes to read books in her free time.
  • Lilly/ do for/ Ellie
    What did Lilly do for Ellie? She drew a picture for her.
  • Did/ Kai/ last week? No
    Did Kai go to school last week? No, he didn't. He went to jail last week.