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Unit 11: Healthy body, healthy mind

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say a sentence in Present Perfect with SINCE/FOR and 20 YEARS
Free answer
Say a sentence in Present Perfect with SINCE/FOR and 1992
Free answer
Say a sentence in Present Perfect with SINCE/FOR and 8 DAYS
Free answer
Say a sentence in Present Perfect with SINCE/FOR and LAST MONTH
Free answer
He has been at the hospital since / for the 23rd of January
We have lived in Asturias since / for 2015
Rachel has played handball since / for five years.
I haven’t gone to the dentist since / for two years.
Answer the question. Has the nurse checked your vitals? (already)
She has already checked my vitals
Answer the question. Who has entered into the class? (just)
Paula has just entered into the class.
Answer the question. Have you done dinner? (yet)
I haven't done dinner yet.
Correct the mistake. You eaten any Indian dish?
Have you eaten any Indian dish?
Correct the mistake. Your uncle have just eaten a Chinese dish.
Your uncle has just eaten a Chinese dish.
Correct the mistake. He hasn't just began a new book
He has just begun a new book
Correct the mistake. She been in California before.
She has been in California before.
Correct the mistake. I’ve already putted my books into my bag.
I’ve already put my books into my bag.
Please, drink water if you're _________.
I'm usually very _________ when I need to wait.
He was very brave, he was not _________ of anything.
If you're __________, visit the kitchen.
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
ALREADY/JUST/YET. I have ____________ listened to this CD. I don't need it.
ALREADY/JUST/YET. I have not finished my work ____.
ALREADY/JUST/YET. The kids have _____________ coloured that book. They need a new activity.
ALREADY/JUST/YET. Kevin has ___________ arrived from school. He came 5 minutes ago.
ALREADY/JUST/YET. Susan has __________ visited London. She has ___________ arrived from there.
Already / Just 
ALREADY/JUST/YET. Have you learnt the English verbs ______?
____________________ the new Marvel film? (she / see)
Has she seen the new Marvel film?
___________________ at this company for a long time? (you / work)
Have you worked at this company for a long time?
We ______________ her today. (not see)
We haven't seen her today.
I ___________ a cold since last week. (have)
I have had a cold since last week.
I _______________ London 4 times. (visit)
I have visited London 4 times.
My brother ________________ a car before. (not drive)
My brother hasn't driven a car before.