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Nonfiction Review

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A book about World War II can be found in this section:
History and Geography or in the 900s
"Who Is Simone Biles?" can be found in which section?
Biographies or under 92
Traditional literature was first told by ...
Word of mouth, oral tradition, or sung
Besides poetry, hyperbole is often found in this type of story:
Tall Tales
The numbers __ and __ are often found in fairy tales.
3 and 7
Which type of stories focus on royalty?
Fairy tales
The heroic actions or good deeds of specific people are found in what type of traditional literature?
What type of traditional literature is based on real people who may have lived a long time ago?
Which type of traditional literature tends to have only three or fewer characters?
What is the aim of a myth?
To help you understand the world around you.
What type of traditional literature is about normal people in a normal setting?
An example of traditional literature:
legends, fables, folk tales, fairy tales, tall tales, or myths
One example of figurative language:
alliteration, onomatopeia, similes, metaphors, hyperbole, idioms, or personification
Poetry uses what type of language?
Several verses grouped together are called what?
A line in a poem that is similar to sentence.
A type of literature that rhymes, has a rhythm, or repeats is called....
What type of book is written in first person?
Autobiography and/or memoir
Books that you write about your own life are called...
Which type of book is written in third person?
Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are almost always told in _____________order.
A biography is a true story of someone's life written by...
someone else
Biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are alphabetized by the famous person's....
last name
An autobiography is which type of informational text?
Our country books are considered to be which type of informational text?
If I was to complete a project about dolphins, what type of informational text would be best for me?
Informational Texts provide readers with ____________ about countries, animals, sports, etc.
Where would I find a book about sign language?
If I wanted to learn more about Thor where would I find him?
200s, or under "Religion and Mythology"
Graphic novels are found in the _00s of the DDS.
Books about trains are found under which hundreds in the DDS?
Nonfiction books are categorized by which system?
Dewey Decimal System
Yes or No: Nonfiction books are about real people, places, and/or events.
Nonfiction means ___________, or true.
What is one of the most common combination of fiction sub-genres?
Action and Adventure
Can a fiction story have more than one sub-genre?
Can fiction stories be based on real people, places, or events?
The word "Fiction" means ______________, or not real.
List the two types of books found in our library:
fiction and nonfiction
A "book genre" is a ____________ or a type of a book.