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Water and pollution

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of food contains the most water?
What vegetable contains the most water? A: Watermelon, B: Lettuce, C: Cherry, D: Tomato
B: Lettuce
What is the biggest ocean? A: Atlantic Ocean, B: Indian Ocean, D: Arctic Ocean, D: Pacific Ocean
D: Pacific Ocean
What size is the great Pacific Garbage Patch? A: 100,00 km2, B: 600,000 km2, C: 1,000,000 km2, D: 1,600,000 km2
D: 1, 6 million km2
Where is the world's biggest fresh water lake? A: In America, B: In Europe, C: In Asia, D: In Africa
A: Lake Superior between Canada nad the USA
What is the saltiest lake called? A: Salt sea, B: Dead sea, C: Salt lake, D: Death lake
B: Dead sea
What will cause the sea level rise?
Flooding or sinking islands and cities
Where is the wettest place on earth? A: In India, B: In Australia, C: In Hungary, D: In Egypt
A: In India
What are the driest places on earth where water is scarce?
At what temperature does water boil?
100 Celsius degrees
What is water called below 0 Celsius degree?
What are the two basic types of water?
Fresh water and sea water
What can we do to clear the water?
E.g. Collect plastic bottles and bags, reduce waste and recycle more
What animals are in danger because of water pollution? Name three of them.
Corals, seagulls, turtles, pelicans, dolphins, seals, many kinds of fish
Name at least three thing that pollute the water.
Plastic bags and bottles, oil, chemicals,
How much water should you drink a day?
At least 2-3 litres
What is the biggest sea animal?
The blue whale
How much water does our body contain? A: 30%, B: 45%, C: 60%, d: 85%
C: 60%
How many of the Earth's surface is water-covered? A: 33%, B: 49 %, C: 71%, D: 84 %
C: 71%
What is the chemical symbol for water?