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Comparative or superlatives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which animal is _____ _______ (difficult) to see - a penguin flying or a monkey swimming?
more difficult - a penguin flying
Which country is ______ (big) - Canada or the USA?
bigger - Canada
What planet is ………………………………………. (small) - Earth or Mercury?
smaller - Mercury
What is ___ ____ (heavy) animal in the world? A. The Blue Whale B. The Panda C. The Elephant
the heaviest - A. The Blue Whale
What's ____ _____ (large) cave in the world? A. Mammoth Cave B. Jewel Cave C. Son Doong Cave
the largest - C. Son Doong Cave
What is ______ _______ (high) mountain in Vietnam? A. Ta Lien Son B. Pu Ta Leng C. Fansipan
the highest - C. Fansipan (3143m)
Who is ____ _____ (rich) person in the world? A. Bill Gates B. Elon Musk C. Jeff Bezos
the richest - B. Elon Musk
What is _____ _______ (hot) planet in the solar system? A. Jupiter B. Mars C. Venus
the hottest - C. Venus