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Animal Farm - Chapter 1

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By vote, the animals decided that ... were comrades.
rats and rabbits
She didn't listen to a word of the speech.
The she-cat.
She's foolish and pretty. She usually flirts with her white mane.
It represents Russia and also the countries of Europe more generally: places once ruled by aristocrats, now ruled by capitalists, and ripe for a Communist revolution.
Manor Farm
What's the name of the song the animals sing together?
Beasts of England
They lost their mother. They were looking for a place where they wouldn't be trodden on.
The ducklings
He has a stupid appearance, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work.
It's strong, motherly and middle age. It has four foals.
It's a domesticated bird who slept on a perch behind the door.
It's old and cynical. It's also good friend with Boxer.
He likes alcohol and has a gun.
Mr. Jones
He has a dream, and the others, acknowledging his age, wisdom, and all-around general superiority, gather around (campfire-style) to listen.
Old Major